AFFI International Conference 2017

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Systemic Risk and Capital Adequacy

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We assess transmission channels of systemic risk and the effects of capital regulation in the European Banking Union. Two interconnected channels of risk are analysed by employing a data-driven, heterogeneous network model. First, the risk from shocks to corporate, sovereign and retail debt holdings of banks and second, the subsequent contagion effects that spread through the interbank loan market. The effects of both channels are further magnified by the inclusion of default costs. We provide measures and rankings that aim at a realistic review of the resilience and contagion threat from banks, countries and different assets. In addition, we draw policy implications from the effectiveness of regulatory capital requirements by applying treatments to the CT1 capital of individual banks in the network. Our findings suggest that the effect of micro prudential regulations, such as CRD IV, fall short of their expected effectiveness. More specifically, the positive effects of stricter capital regulation are largely compensated by contagion effects.


Fabian Woebbeking    
Goethe University Frankfurt


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