
Organizing Committee

  • Philippe Madiès
    Professor of Finance, CERAG-CNRS and Grenoble IAE – Valence, University of Grenoble Alpes
    Program Chair
  • Ollivier Taramasco
    Professor of Finance, CERAG-CNRS and ENSIMAG, Grenoble INP
    Program Co-Chair
  • Geoffroy Enjolras
    Professor of Finance, CERAG-CNRS and Grenoble IAE,University of Grenoble Alpes
    Ph.D. Workshop
  • Radu Burlacu
    Professor of Finance, CERAG-CNRS and Grenoble IAE, University of Grenoble Alpes
  • Gilles Sanfilippo
    Associate Professor of Finance, CERAG-CNRS and Grenoble IAE, University of Grenoble Alpes


Scientific Committee

Aktas Nihat WHU Koblenz
Alexandre Hervé Paris IX University – Dauphine
Alperovych Yan EM Lyon
Amedee-Manesme Charles-Olivier University of Laval, Canada
Andriosopoulos Kostas ESCP
Aubert Nicolas Aix Marseille Universty
Bernard Carole Grenoble Ecole de Management
Bertrand Philippe Aix Marseille Universty
Blazy Régis University of Strasbourg
Brandouy Olivier University of Bordeaux
Brière Marie Amundi
Broihanne Marie-Hélène University of Strasbourg
Burlacu Radu University of Grenoble Alpes
Cosma Antonio University of Luxembourg
Courbage Christophe HEG, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
Darolles Serge Paris IX University – Dauphine
De Bodt Eric University of Lille 2
De la Bruslerie Hubert Paris IX University – Dauphine
Declerck Fany Toulouse School of Economics
Degeorge François University of Lugano
Degryse Hans KU Leuven
Derrien François HEC Paris
Desbrières Philippe University of Bourgogne
Dumontier Pascal Paris IX University – Dauphine
Enjolras Geoffroy University of Grenoble Alpes
Fontaine Patrice Eurofidai (CNRS)
François Pascal HEC Montréal
Gajewski Jean-François University of Savoie Mont Blanc
Gillet Roland Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne
Ginglinger Edith Paris IX University – Dauphine
Girerd-Potin Isabelle University of Grenoble Alpes
Godlewski Christophe University of Strasbourg
Gresse Carole Paris IX University – Dauphine
Guillaume Tristan University of Cergy-Pontoise
Hübner George HEC University of Liège
Hugonnier Julien EPFL & Swiss Finance Institute
Iania Leonardo Université Catholique de Louvain
Isakov Dusan University of Fribourg
Jimenez Sonia CERAG-CNRS and ENSIMAG, Grenoble INP
Lambert Marie HEC University of Liège
Le Courtois Olivier EM Lyon
Lioui Abraham EDHEC Nice
Madiès Philippe University of Grenoble Alpes
Maillet Bertrand EM Lyon
Manigart Sophie Vlerick Business School
Martel Jocelyn ESSEC Business School
Merli Maxime University of Strasbourg
Moinas Sophie Toulouse School of Economics
Moraux Franck University of Rennes 1
Muller Aline HEC University of Liège
Navatte Patrick University of Rennes 1
Pérignon Christophe HEC Paris
Petey Joël University of Strasbourg
Petitjean Mikaël Louvain School of Management – UCLouvain
Pouget Sébastien Toulouse School of Economics
Prigent Jean-Luc Université of Cergy
Quittard-Pinon François EM Lyon
Rockinger Michael HEC Lausanne (Suisse)
Roger Patrick University of Strasbourg
Sanfilippo Gilles University of Grenoble Alpes
Scaillet Olivier HEC Genève & Swiss Finance Institute
Schwienbacher Armin Skema Business School
Sentis Patrick University of Montpellier 1
Statnik Jean-Christophe University of Lille2
Szafarz Ariane Université Libre de Bruxelles
Taramasco Ollivier CERAG-CNRS and ENSIMAG, Grenoble INP
Troege Michael ESCP Europe
Van Bommel Jos Université de Luxembourg
Villanova Laurent University of Lyon 2
Viviani Jean-Laurent University of Rennes 1